
OnLive, the pioneers of online game streaming, are being acquired by the gaming giant, Sony. Details surrounding the motive and purpose behind the acquisition have not been revealed, but it is safe to say that Sony is looking to further develop and improve its Playstation Now service which is currently still in Beta. 

OnLive revealed this announcement in a blog post where they stated the following:

After five years of uninterrupted service, the OnLive Game Service will be coming to an end. Sony is acquiring important parts of OnLive, and their plans don’t include a continuation of the game service in its current form. Your service should continue uninterrupted until April 30, 2015. No further subscription fees will be charged, and you can continue to play all of your games until that date.

Sony will effectively be shutting down the current service offering and absorbing the talent, patents, industry secrets,  and software wizardry used to power the once promising streaming service. OnLive was the first game streaming service to come to the market. Their service was quickly followed by Gakai, which Sony acquired in July 2012. Currently the programming behind Gakai is what powers Playstation Now.

Interestingly enough, the two technologies function and perform a bit differently. Digital Foundry did an analysis of the two technologies back in early 2012.  To sum up its findings, OnLive performed better from an overall frame-rate, play-ability, and latency standpoint; while Gakai (Playstation Now) delivered a higher quality visual experience at the cost of latency and frame-rate.

In our testing and experience with Playstation Now, latency is the primary drawback that hampers the current viability of the service. While platformers and adventure games are certainly playable, twitch shooters and anything that requires concise reaction time are nearly unplayable. To give you a visual, my brother and I played a one-on-one match of a First-Person shooter. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought we had never played a first-person shooter before in our lives. The level of latency made concise aiming and shooting nearly impossible. It became a game of jumping and lucky shots. (Note: Our testing of the service was through a direct ethernet connection on an internet connection of 50 MBPS download speeds and 20 MBPS upload speeds; over 10X what Sony recommends you have for the service.)

We are not alone in our experience with Playstation Now’s current latency situation. Playstation’s community forums and other sites have experienced similar latency challenges on the service. 

“The OP is 100% correct, and those saying “Everything is fine” are most likely playing games where input lag is not noticeable….trying playing Dead Island, one of the Sonic games….they are barely playable.”

With the popularity of shooters, Sony needs to find a solution to the situation, and the OnLive acquisition might just be the missing piece of the puzzle. Hopefully this acquisition and merging of the two technologies will allow Sony to find the “sweet spot” to deliver a superb visual experience without its current latency woes. 

Additionally  by Sony acquiring OnLive, they are eliminating their largest competitor. If game streaming takes off and becomes more viable, acquiring OnLive will position Sony as the industry leader and add a unique value proposition to purchase their products that leverage the service such as cellphones, televisions, and more.

What are your thoughts on Sony acquiring OnLive? Have you experienced latency when using Playstation Now? Let us know what you think in the comments below. 



E3 is here and there have been some exciting announcements thus far. Bethesda kicked things off for us this morning and Sony closed the day out for us. So what exciting news did Sony reveal for us? Lets find out!


Sony announced that Media Molecule (creators of LittleBigPlanet) will be releasing a new game titled Dreams. Dreams is a unique approach to game-play by letting PS4 users be the creator of their own game/movie/play/whatever. Media Molecule created this game so users can use their imagination to “piece together a whole new environment in moments” says Alex Evans.

Dreams also gives users the ability to visit/edit the dreams of other PS4 users. Whether you are helping create a cuddly polar bear or fighting zombies, you can bring your dreams to life through the PS4.

There is no release date at this time but stay tuned for updates. In the mean time check out the Dream trailer below.

Call of Duty Black Ops III

For years Activision has been partnered with Xbox, but that appears to have changed as Sony announced its new partnership with Activision to bring Black Ops III to PlayStation. According to David Vonderharr Black Ops III is “unlike any before.” While we saw some new and exciting maps, along with a new bow and arrow, the game-play appeared fast and fluid. We also witnessed some-sweet wall walking, and what appears to be teleportation?

PlayStation will receive the Call of Duty: Black Ops III maps before any other platform according to the E3 announcement. The PS4 beta will be available this August and the game will be available November 6th, 2015.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

If there was one game that shook the building due to pure excitement from the crowd at E3, it would be the Final Fantasy VII Remake. For years now Final Fantasy gamers have been begging for a Final Fantasy VII remake, and now your dreams have come true.

We don’t know much about the release but we do know that its coming, and will be launched on he PS4 first before an other console (if any).

Uncharted a Thief’s End

“Now here’s a game that does not even need a introduction”, says Druckmann as he did not introduce Uncharted a Theif’s End. There was a lot of shooting, fighting, and an intense driving scene in the trailer that got many excited. The graphics were unreal, but that’s no surprise as past Uncharted games always pushed the boundaries of graphics.

There is no official release date at this time but we do know that the game will be available in 2016.

PlayStation Vue

PlayStation Vue also received some stage time as Sony announced that they would be expanding the Vue to two new locations. These new locations include San Francisco and Los Angeles California. Along with he announcement of the new cities, Sony also announced three new channels: Showtime, Fox Soccer, and Machinima.

According to Andrew House, PlayStation Plus Subscribers will be able receive PlayStation Vue packages at discounted rates and will offer channels in a la cart fashion similar to Apple’s rumored television service.

While there were some exciting announcements, I would have to admit that I was a bit jealous of Microsoft’s press conference being a PS4 user. I was hoping to see some announcements regarding the PlayStation Vita, along with more plans for Project Morpheus. I was not satisfied with the 10 seconds they used to update everyone on Project Morpheus, especially after Microsoft blew our minds with the HoloLens. Oh well, there has to be a winner and Microsoft definitely took the bacon this year. 

What are your thoughts? What announcement are you most excited for? Let us know your thoughts int he comment section below.


Image result for SONY FREE GAMES

Do you remember the 2011 PlayStation Network outage? Its sort of hard to forget when 77 million accounts were stolen and the PlayStation network was down for 23 days. For those of you who are still upset about the 2011 PlayStation Network outage, Sony is trying to help you feel a little better; although they are still not admitting to fault. According to the email that was sent out to affected users:

The Sony Entities deny any claims of wrongdoing in this case, and the settlement does not mean that the Sony Entities violated any laws or did anything wrong.

Sony has started to accept claims due to the class action lawsuit settlement. For those of you who had a PlayStation Network, Qriocity, or Sony Online Entertainment account before May 15th 2011, Sony is offering you some free stuff. Your account status and any promotions you might have already taken advantage of will determine what you are eligible for. Here are your options:

Qriocity Account holders:

One month of free Music Unlimited service

PlayStation Network Account holders: 

Free Game (Option 1)

Dead Nation 3 (PS3)


LittleBigPlanet (PS3 & PSP)

Super Stardust HD (PS3)

rain (PS3)

Puppeteer (PS3)

God of War HD (PS3)

ModNation (PSP)

Patapon 3 (PSP)

Killzone (PSP)

WipEout (PSP)

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (PSP)

Free Theme (Option 2)

WipEout HD Dynamic Theme

UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Dynamic Theme

TOKYO JUNGLE Dynamic Theme

The Last of Us Dynamic Theme

Ratchet & Clank Dynamic Theme

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Dynamic Theme

Free PlayStation Plus Subscription (Options 3)

3 or 6 months of PlayStation Plus  (explained below)

If you participated in the “Welcome Back” program, you are eligible for either one free game, three free themes, or 3 free months of PlayStation Plus. If you did not participate in the “Welcome Back” program, your options are a little more complicated. If you choose only option 1, you are eligible to receive two free games. If you choose option 1 along with option 2 or option 3, you can choose one game. If you decide to stick with only option 2, you can receive all 6 themes. However, if you choose option 2 with option 1 or 3, you get to choose three of the six themes. Last but not least, if you choose option 3, you receive 6 free months of PlayStation Plus; or 3 months if you decide to choose option 3 and either option 1 or option 2. Finally, if you buy 6 cats, but already own 3 dogs; you’re stuck with nothing but a gerbal. (I hope you sense my sarcasm) 

Now I know that was thoroughly confusing, but it is simpler than it looks. If you are eligible to receive some free stuff you can click here to start your claim. For those of you who no longer own your Lego%20Batman 3: Beyond Gotham + The Sly Collection PlayStation 3 500GB BundlePS3 because you decided to upgrade to the PlayStation%204 White Console Destiny BundlePS4, it does not appear that there are any PS4 games or themes available. This means you are left to take advantage of the PlayStation Plus subscription (lets hope you have not recently renewed it). 

I find it interesting that Sony did not include any PS4 games or themes as there are over 18 million PS4 owners, many of which came from the Playstation 3. Are you a PS4 owner feeling ripped off? Sound off in the comment section below.


Smart watches have been making headlines on a regular basis as of late. Between HP hiring a fashion designer to design the HP Chronowing to Apple announcing the Apple Watch; it’s clear that the industry is convinced that smart watches are here to stay.

Sony SMart Watch

Sony has developed an entirely different kind of smart watch. This watch doesn’t connect to your smart phone and provide you with notifications nor online interactions. The watch is smart in the world of fashion. Made of ePaper, the watch can change design of both the face and strap. If you glance at the headline image, those are all the same watch with different smart designs.

Additionally, this smart watch has a battery life of up to 60 days which is significantly better than any other smart watch on the market. Though it’s hard to compare considering Sony chose not to include any other smart functionality such as simple notifications and text messaging.

Companies continue to attempt to create compelling reasons to have a smart watches when your phone is within pocket’s reach. This uphill battle is complemented by the challenge of finding the balance between style and functionality to gain mainstream adoption.

As we find a happy medium between price, features, and style; the smart watch has potential to take on the typical consumer and watch enthusiast alike. While I’m not quite sold yet, I’m confident that some killer features in the future will provide more compelling reasons than we have now to purchase a smart watch. You can even check out some of our opinions on smart watches in a recent episode of The Smashcast.

What are your thoughts on Sony’s new watch? Do you dig its style? How about the ability to express yourself differently on a regular basis? Let us know in the comments below!



The spat continues between Taylor Swift and her brawl with Spotify. To fill you in on the fight, it all began when last week Taylor Swift labeled Spotify as an “experiment” and had concerns that it communicates to fans, and music lovers alike, that music should be “free.” As a result, Taylor pulled all of her songs from Spotify.

(Now, First I want to first point out that Spotify is a legal service that pays all of its royalty fees using advertisements. Taylor’s concern is not payment, but the perception of listeners and how that will impact overall album sales.)

After Taylor publicly spoke of her concern, Spotify shot back by saying that she was projected to earn $6 million dollars this year solely through Spotify. Taylor Swift’s label struck back in a Time Magazine article saying that the artist had only received $500,00.00 in Domestic sales over the course of the past year. This comment was a bit misleading as it only paints the picture for domestic sales and doesn’t encompass sales from other countries. Spotify was quick to respond to that accusation with the counter that they had paid her over $2 million dollars in worldwideroyalties; thus painting a much clearer picture of actual earnings.

In the midst of all of these accusations, comes the question of whether Spotify is actually hurting or helping the music scene. While I can understand Taylor’s concern of the public gaining the perception that music should be free, she also needs to realize that the landscape of the music industry has evolved extremely rapidly over recent years since the advent of the internet and digital music.

One of the primary disruptions in the music industry was file-sharing, a problem that is still very real today. I know plenty of people with strong consciences that still download music without blinking an eye. I think Spotify’s intention is to fill the gap that’s been created by file-sharing by still giving consumers access to free on-demand music while still paying all expected royalty fees.  This sounds like a win-win situation to me.

One might look at Taylor Swift and ask the question, “$500,000 dollars does seem pretty low for a high-profile artist such as Swift.” However, something that most consumers aren’t aware of, is that album sales have never been the big money-maker for most artists. Artists make the bulk of their money through touring.

For example, Lady Gaga sold 700,000 in album sales on her latest album “Art Pop.” If you use the average cost per album at $10.00 dollars a piece, that put’s gross revenue for that album at roughly $7 million dollars. Comparatively, her “Art Pop” tour brought in $257.1 million dollars. That’s more than 36 times the amount brought in for her album sales. Hopefully, these numbers put things into perspective. If Gaga made $7 million total on her latest album and Taylor Swift was projected to rake in $6 million solely from Spotify, the service is doing a phenomenal job paying artists back.

(Directed at Swift) Unfortunately Taylor, the problem of consumer perception isn’t Spotify, but file sharing. Spotify is a solution to the much bigger problem. You, being one of the few artists that has continued to go platinum in album sales, are in a unique position to take this stance; as interesting a one as it is. One thing I do know is that consumers are fickle and trying to go against the trends of the industry is likely only going to hurt you in the long run.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think Taylor is justified in pulling her music? Or do you think it is going to hurt her overall revenue in the long run? Let us know in the comments below!


National Unplug Day is an annual “holiday” of sorts where people disconnect from the digital world. In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re doing the equivalent of not opening presents on Christmas morning. This is the holiday’s sixth year of age since its inception back in 2010. Ever since then, people have been disconnecting on the first Friday of every March to have a non-digital refresh of life.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, I’d rather go a week without food than go a day without technology. We’re with you. We’ve become so reliant on technology that the thought of going a day without technology is worse than meeting Satan himself. So, we’re putting together a survival kit for you so that next year, or the next time you’re in a scenario where you’re forced to unplug, you know how to survive.

National Unplug Day

Get a NoPhone

Studies have shown that being separated from your phone can cause some serious anxiety. A while ago we did a review on the NoPhone, a non-technology substitute for a smartphone. While it definitely can’t replace the functionality of your smartphone, it will give you those warm fuzzies that you need from holding your phone in your hands. If you’re on the fence, you can check out our full review here. Spoiler: It doesn’t perform well as a hammer substitute.

National Unplug Day

Find Real Friends

One of the best ways to get through a day without technology is to spend time with your friends. While it’s likely been at least six years since you’ve had a social interaction that wasn’t digital/school/church, this holiday is an opportunity to actually get together. Go bowling, see a movie, drink some Kool-aid, eat Doritos. Want to know how to “like” something a friend says in real life? High-five/fist bump/chest bump, that’s how you do it. Go to the grocery store, sing your favorite song, and see how many fist bumps you can get from your real life lyrics post inside the grocery store’s real-life Facebook page. (Sarcasm)

National Unplug Day

Don’t Drive Anywhere 

Let’s be honest, the last time you navigated somewhere without a GPS was probably pre-womb. If you don’t know where it is, you can try to pull out a map, but you’ll quickly notice that pinch to zoom doesn’t work and no matter how hard you yell, it won’t give you detailed directions from point-A to point-B. In a survival situation such as these, paper maps are used to start fires, not navigate. The stars will do you better my friend. 

National Unplug Day

Go See a Play

Before Steven Spielberg, there was William Shakespeare. Surprisingly, there are still people who perform in plays. Many of those people are actually incredibly talented. Find a local theater and you’ll be entertained for a few hours. If you find you’re not enjoying it right away, don’t try to change the channel; you’ll look like a fool. Also, people clap at these events when they are finished. Make sure you clap, even if the performance is mediocre and you’re cranky from tech withdrawals. You’ll make the world a better place if you do.

National Unplug Day

Do Things Outside

While most people fear the sun due to skin cancer, we once enjoyed outside civilized activities for entertainment purposes. Somehow, many of these establishments are still around. You can go golfing, play frisbee, soccer, football, and just about anything else you can think of outside. Just make sure nobody turns on the scoreboard… it’s digital.

National Unplug Day

Ask for Saturday Off

If you work on Saturday morning, the chances of you waking up on time without an alarm clock or smartphone are slim-to-none. Unfortunately, Nest cannot control when the sun comes up (yet), which would be our alternative to an alarm clock. In fact, nobody should work on this day as productivity is going to take a huge hit in nearly any profession without computers.

National Unplug Day

Buy a Musical Instrument and/or Friend that Plays a Musical Instrument

I know it’s all about that bass, bout that bass… no gimmick; but National Unplug day includes unplugging those Beats Headphones. That means hearing the bass drop is going to involve you finding someone who plays a stand up bass and having them give you some intense staccato. Live music is incredible. Attend an unplugged concert for some unfiltered musical goodness.

National Unplug Day

Play Some Games

Before video games were board games/sports/more. Risk and Settlers of Catan are two board games (non-digital) that provide an Age of Empires alternative. If you’re a fighting game fanatic, try wrestling. Be careful though, as Wall-e so beautifully demonstrated, our bones aren’t what they used to be. If you’re more into First-Person-Shooters, paintball and airsoft are some amazing alternatives that will get your adrenaline going far more than even the most intense game of Domination.

National Unplug Day

Buy Some Recipe Books, Call your Grandma

I would sincerely hate for you to starve, but let’s be honest, without the internet we’re about as good at cooking as we are at creating aliens. Youtube tutorials, online recipe sites, and even television shows like Top Chef are the primary contributors to an effective kitchen nowadays. So, go buy some recipe books, invite your grandmother over and have a merry ol’ time cooking. Your grandmother will love you for it, and the food will probably be better; because your grandmother is making it. 

National Unplug Day

Withdraw Cash in Advance

You would hate to desecrate such an incredible holiday using magnetized plastic at a cash register. Both banking and ATMs require the use of the internet to access your funds. So, take money out in advance. Worst case scenario, you withdraw too much and throw a party that makes you the most popular guy/gal in the neighborhood. 

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. We rely so heavily on technology that we often don’t even realize what we are missing until it is gone. Tell us, what would you struggle with unplugging on such a holiday? How would you cope? Let us know in the comments below.