Do you remember the 2011 PlayStation Network outage? Its sort of hard to forget when 77 million accounts were stolen and the PlayStation network was down for 23 days. For those of you who are still upset about the 2011 PlayStation Network outage, Sony is trying to help you feel a little better; although they are still not admitting to fault. According to the email that was sent out to affected users:
The Sony Entities deny any claims of wrongdoing in this case, and the settlement does not mean that the Sony Entities violated any laws or did anything wrong.
Sony has started to accept claims due to the class action lawsuit settlement. For those of you who had a PlayStation Network, Qriocity, or Sony Online Entertainment account before May 15th 2011, Sony is offering you some free stuff. Your account status and any promotions you might have already taken advantage of will determine what you are eligible for. Here are your options:
Qriocity Account holders:
One month of free Music Unlimited service
PlayStation Network Account holders:
Free Game (Option 1)
Dead Nation 3 (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3 & PSP)
Super Stardust HD (PS3)
rain (PS3)
Puppeteer (PS3)
God of War HD (PS3)
ModNation (PSP)
Patapon 3 (PSP)
Killzone (PSP)
WipEout (PSP)
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (PSP)
Free Theme (Option 2)
WipEout HD Dynamic Theme
UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Dynamic Theme
TOKYO JUNGLE Dynamic Theme
The Last of Us Dynamic Theme
Ratchet & Clank Dynamic Theme
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Dynamic Theme
Free PlayStation Plus Subscription (Options 3)
3 or 6 months of PlayStation Plus (explained below)
If you participated in the “Welcome Back” program, you are eligible for either one free game, three free themes, or 3 free months of PlayStation Plus. If you did not participate in the “Welcome Back” program, your options are a little more complicated. If you choose only option 1, you are eligible to receive two free games. If you choose option 1 along with option 2 or option 3, you can choose one game. If you decide to stick with only option 2, you can receive all 6 themes. However, if you choose option 2 with option 1 or 3, you get to choose three of the six themes. Last but not least, if you choose option 3, you receive 6 free months of PlayStation Plus; or 3 months if you decide to choose option 3 and either option 1 or option 2. Finally, if you buy 6 cats, but already own 3 dogs; you’re stuck with nothing but a gerbal. (I hope you sense my sarcasm)
Now I know that was thoroughly confusing, but it is simpler than it looks. If you are eligible to receive some free stuff you can click here to start your claim. For those of you who no longer own your Lego%20Batman 3: Beyond Gotham + The Sly Collection PlayStation 3 500GB BundlePS3 because you decided to upgrade to the PlayStation%204 White Console Destiny BundlePS4, it does not appear that there are any PS4 games or themes available. This means you are left to take advantage of the PlayStation Plus subscription (lets hope you have not recently renewed it).
I find it interesting that Sony did not include any PS4 games or themes as there are over 18 million PS4 owners, many of which came from the Playstation 3. Are you a PS4 owner feeling ripped off? Sound off in the comment section below.