Google Maps is one of the most used mapping services available today. For those of us who are directionally challenged or are traveling in an unfamiliar place, Google Maps is a life saver. But what about those times when your phone does not have service? While your GPS will work just fine, Google Maps does not typically work without some type of data connection.
Luckily, Google has developed a way for local drivers and travelling explorers alike to utilize Google Maps even when offline. So, if you are planning a trip or are going on a long hike, follow these simple steps and you will be able to use Google’s superior mapping service even when you do not have a data connection.
1. Verify Google Maps is up to date on your device
2. Search for the area you would like to view while offline
3. Select the pin or area searched on the bottom of the screen
4. Select the three dots on the upper right corner of the screen
5. Select Save Offline Map
6. Select Save
7. Name the Offline Map and select Save
You can now access the maps you saved offline, and are free to explore without the fear of getting lost! As always, if you encounter any issues when trying to save the map for offline use, let us know in the comment section below.