Are you an Apple Watcher (The new technical term for those waiting for their Apple Watch to arrive.) If so, you need some smartwatch news to distract you from the excruciating pre-order waiting period. That’s why the Official Android Blog had to post an announcement about a new Android Wear feature released during their latest update. That way you can imagine yourself using a new Android Wear feature that the Apple Watch cannot currently do. Wait…wait… this just in… Apple Watch has the Evernote App which can do basically everything that the newly announced Android Wear Google Keep app can do. Ahem… It’s for that reason I find it rather peculiar that this announcement is making headlines. Then again, you likely landing on this article through Google News.
So what did Google Announce? Android Wear has just received an update that now enables you to access Google Keep from your smart watch. (It was previously limited to Android Phones, Tablets, and browser-based access.) Google Keep is a cloud based note taking application. It allows you to take quick notes and sync them across your devices for quick access no matter where you go.
Now you no longer have to get frustrated trying to balance your phone in the child seat of your shopping cart. Your Android Watch is within seeing distance at all times. (Unless you lose an arm… which is entirely possible if you’re shopping at Wal-Mart) With the Android Wear update, you can now access your notes, create notes via dictation, and even add reminder notes; all within the SmartWatch app.
While certainly a welcome addition to Android Wear, it still doesn’t explain why this is making headlines; especially considering that the Apple Watch will launch out of the Gate with the EverNote App that does basically everything that Google Keep is capable of. Want proof? Here is the description on the Apple Watch’s EverNote App:
Evernote for Apple Watch is the perfect companion to Evernote for iPhone. Get even more convenient access to features. Dictate a quick note. View recent notes. Set reminders. Find notes made near you. And see content related to an upcoming meeting.
Sound familiar? While the headline is a bit of a conspiracy, there is no doubt that Google is going to use the current smartwatch hype that has been generated by the Apple Watch to help educate consumers on everything that Android Wear can do. This is a smart move considering that the Apple Watch is predicted to sell nearly 3 times more Apple Watches on day one than Android Wear sold during all of 2014. (Thanks Apple Watchers…)
What do you think of the conspiracy? Is Google trying to take a slice of Apple’s hyper wagon pie? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.