There are a number of great deals phone carriers are offering at the moment. It seems that every few months, one carrier is trying to outdo another carrier’s deal. So, if you are looking to make a switch, you might want to check out the latest deal Sprint has to offer.
Today, Sprint announced a new promotion that takes paying your early termination fees to the next level. According to the promotion:
Sprint will pay whatever it costs for you to switch. Switch to Sprint on Easy Pay, iPhone for Life Plan or Sprint Lease and we’ll pay off your contract and whatever you owe on your phone via an American Express Reward Card. Requires valid port-in, submission of previous wireless carrier bill and current competitor phone turn in.
Past promotions have set a limit on what the carrier is willing to pay out. However, Sprint’s new deal does not have a ceiling. If it would cost $1,000 for you to switch, it appears Sprint is willing to pay it. Let’s just hope you’re soul isn’t a part of your wireless contract, that would put Sprint in the red.
What do I do with my Phone?
When you make the switch, Sprint is requiring that you turn in the phone you used with your previous carrierand buy a new phone from Sprint. If you are thinking of turning in an old phone and unlocking your current phone to use on Sprints plan, you will need to rethink your strategy. If you are able to get around this requirement and Sprint finds out, they will charge you up to the amount of the reward card you received.
When will Sprint Pay my Fee?
Within 60 days you must register each phone on the previous bill and upload the last bill that shows the termination fees during the registration process. Approximately 15 days after registration is approved, you can expect to receive your American Express Reward card.
The Fine Print
The promotion also indicates that you will also need to sign up for Sprint Easy pay, iPhone for life Plan, or Sprint Lease. If you love your iPhone or are looking to switch to the iPhone, I would highly suggest this plan.
The iPhone for Life Plan is a promotion that allows iPhone users to upgrade to the newest iPhone every time it comes out. On most plans you are only eligible for an upgrade after your two-year contract is up, or have to wait until your phone is paid off. You don’t have to do this with the iPhone for Life Plan. Essentially, this is a lease program, and you pay $30 a month for 12 months then turn in the phone for the latest iPhone after 12 months. Keep in mind that the $30 charge is just for the phone, you will still need to play for the phone plan.
The world is getting crowded in the wireless promotions arena, and Sprint is making their best efforts to strike back at their competition. Are you incentivized by this deal? Do you think Sprint currently offers the best promotions? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.