For years Apple users have bragged about how secure their Apple products are from security threats. As Apple products have become more popular, attackers are finding new ways to “hack” iPhones and iPads.
If you are a current owner of an iPhone or iPad running IOS 7 or IOS 8, you need to be extra careful. There are now fake apps that you install that come through emails or text messages which have the ability to track passwords, listen to phone conversations, and read emails and texts. Also, these hacking apps have the ability to overwrite existing apps on your iPhone or iPad.
CNET put out an excellent video below to help you better understand the threat and how to avoid it:
Courtesy of Cnet.com
Every day more people continue to use their phone’s and tablet’s to manage their bank accounts, run their business, and store personal information. This only makes hackers more determined to find new ways to obtain secured information. Because of these many threats, it’s important to keep your smartphones and tablets secure. We’ve all heard and read horror stories about people getting their identity stolen, or bank accounts accessed. With that said we must continually ask ourselves, how do I keep my personal information safe? We would like you to tell us how you stay secure. How do you keep that information secure? Let us know in the comments below!