Many people are look for ways to read the news fast, and Samsung has made that simple by creating a Briefing screen on their Samsung Galaxy S6. For those who owned a Samsung Galaxy S5, the Briefing screen is similar to My Magazine.
However, if you are anything like myself, you like to have minimal home screen pages. In that case, the Briefing screen can be a bit of an annoyance. But don’t worry, like My Magazine on the S5, Samsung has provided the ability to disable the Briefing screen.
It’s easier than ever to disable the Briefing screen.
1. Long-press on a blank area of your home screen.
2. Scroll over to the Briefing screen

3. Deselect the check mark.

And there you go! You have now officially disabled the Briefing screen on your Samsung Galaxy S6. For those of you who own a Samsung Galaxy S5, these steps will work for you as well. Now, if you ever want to re-enable the Briefing screen, simply follow the above steps, but this time just select the box above the Briefing screen.
As always, if you encounter any issues, or need to know how to do something else with your Samsung smart phone, let us know in the comment section below.