As we all know, Facebook is one of the most popular apps currently available on smartphones today. According to an IDC research report, the average Facebook user checks Facebook about 14 times a day. Those 14 visits accounted for almost 33 minutes of Facebook browsing!
For most, it’s almost impossible to say “no” to the Facebook notification on your phone screen! It akin to asking our co-editor Ryan not to eat the donut while in a Krispy Kreme factory! Not only does visiting Facebook take up valuable time, but your data plan also takes a hit. So what if you disabled the push notifications from your phone? Will this help limit the amount of times you check Facebook each day? For those of you who think it will help, or are simply tired of getting alerts every time someone wants a life on Candy Crush, there is a way!
To disable Facebook push notifications simply follow these steps:
1. Select the Menu icon located next to the notification icon
2. Scroll down and select App Settings
3. Select Notifications
4. Select Mobile Push
5.Select/Deselect the items you no longer want to be notified about
1. Select the “More” icon at the bottom right hand corner of the screen
2. Scroll down and select Settings
3. Select Notifications
4. Select Mobile Push
5. Select the items you no longer want to be notified about
There you have it! You will no longer be tempted by those pesky Facebook notifications. Now its up to you to keep your finger off that little blue Facebook icon! Heck! If you want, you can simply uninstall Facebook, but if you do you won’t be able to check out our supercalifragilisticexpialidociously bodacious Facebook Page
While we don’t anticipate you encountering any issues, if you do please let us know in the comment section below.