Purchasing that new shiny smartphone is an exciting and nerve-racking experience. We can all relate to the first time we take our new phone out of the box and hold it like a baby, doing everything we can to ensure that it does not get scratched. While we do everything we can to protect our beautiful smartphones, it’s only a matter of time before we have our first mini-heart attack when it’s dropped. For the lucky few, your precious phone comes out without a scratch, but others are not so lucky and deal with the tragedy of a cracked screen–or worse. But, if you own an HTC phone you might not have to worry any more.
With Samsung and Apple dominating the smartphone world, HTC is striving to set themselves apart in another way. Today, HTC announced their new and innovative program known as the ‘Uh-Oh Program’. The new program protects us in our Uh-Oh moments and gives us a sense of relief and protection. According to HTC’s website, this program will allow HTC owners of the HTC One M9 and those who purchased an HTC One M8 after April 10th the ability to trade in their damaged HTC phone for a new one.
Heres the bottom line: if your phone gets cracked, has water damage, or even if you decide to switch carriers you can send your phone to HTC and they will send a new phone straight to your home. HTC offers two trade in options with this new program. First, you can call HTC and have them put a $250 hold on your credit card. The next business day you will receive the new phone and the hold will be taken off your credit card when you return your old device. If you do not like the idea of a $250 hold on your card, HTC will send you a prepaid shipping label. Within two days after HTC receives your old phone, you will receive the new device.
This new program is very interesting, and I believe the program will help set HTC apart from some of the other phone manufacturers. According to Plaxo, one-third of people lose or damage their smartphones. If you are a part of the unlucky third, this program could be a game changer. No one likes to pay for a new phone and HTC is creating a program where we finally won’t have to worry. What’s even more fascinating about this program is the fact that HTC will give you a new device even after you’ve switch carriers. Some users decide to not make the switch only because they do not want to have to purchase a new phone. With this program that decision becomes even easier.
To sweeten the pot, HTC is also rewarding those who do not make a claim. If you survive 12 months without having to submit your phone for replacement, HTC will give you $100 towards your next HTC One purchase. To hear the announcement for yourself, be sure to check out the video below. There is a delay in beginning so you can skip to 3:21 to get right to the good stuff!
The program almost seems too good to be true. Do you agree? Will people make the switch to HTC as a result of this program? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.