There’s no doubt about it; tablets have changed the way we live our lives. Tablets have altered the way that we go throughout our day. We use them every day at work, in school, and even on the john (though many will never confess!) While this technology has many positives, there are some things that many of us struggle with. One of the biggest woes of tablet ownership is typing. For some, typing is not an issue and they can type just as easily on their iPad as they would a laptop or computer. However, if you are anything like myself, it’s a struggle (the struggle is real!). I blame my lumberjack fingers.
One of the biggest reason for this struggle is due to not being able to feel key-action on a touch screen. While I am not an expert in this field of typing, I know first hand how much slower I type on a touch screen than on a traditional keyboard. If you also struggle with this, and do not want to haul around a keyboard, there is now a great solution called Phorm.
Phorm is a unique Apple%20iPad Air MD788LL/B (16GB, Wi-Fi, Silver)iPad case and screen protector with a lever on the back. When the lever is engaged, fluid appears on the screen protector which allows you to feel the letters when you are typing, almost like you are using a keyboard. Check out the video below to learn more:
This is a very interesting concept and appears to solve a very real problem associated with touch-screen typing. Since the case does not use battery, you don’t have to worry about it taking up precious battery life.
While Phorm could be an exciting product, I do have reservations. My primary concern is that fluid and electronics rarely go together well. (Unless you’re a gorgeous liquid cooled Alienware desktop) What happens when the screen protector cracks or breaks? Does the fluid run all over your coveted iPad destroying its precious innards? It will be interesting to see how durable the screen protector and case are, and whether my concerns are valid.
Currently, the Phorm is only available for pre-order, priced at $99. It is expected to be delivered this summer.
Do you think this iPad case could improve the way you type? Are there other concerns that you think we should consider? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.