Sadly, many people in the world are not aware of World AIDS Day. Apple is trying to change that by launching a two-week campaign (APPSforRED) to help fight against AIDS. Starting Monday, December 1st, Apple plans to donate a portion of the sales of 25 apps to the Global Fund to fight AIDS. According to Apples website “through December 7, every time you purchase a (PRODUCT)RED participating app or In-App Purchase item, 100% of the proceeds go to the Global Fund to fight AIDS.”
Some of these apps include Angry Birds, FIFA15, Clash of Clans, and Garage Band. To get a full list of the apps that will be apart of the two-week campaign visit RED’s website.

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook said, “For eight years, our customers have been helping fight AIDS in Africa by funding life-saving treatments which are having a profoundly positive impact. This year we are launching our biggest fundraising push yet with the participation of Apple’s retail and online stores, and some of the brightest minds in the App Store are lending their talents to the effort as well.”
To add to the great news Apple will also be donating a portion of their online and retail stores sales on November 28th (Black Friday) and December 1st (Cyber Monday). In the US, Apple customers will receive a special edition iTunes gift card with the purchase of specific (RED) Apple products.
To learn more about RED and to help fight against AIDS visit
Lets make a difference! Are you going to join in and battle against AIDS? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.