Why are we posting super bowl commercials on a tech news site? Who cares… Just enjoy!
2015 Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial “Lost Dog” | Budweiser #BestBuds
Always: #LikeaGirl
Avocados From Mexico: #FirstDraftEver Commercial
Coca-Cola: #MakeMeHappy
Doritos: Middle Seat
Discovery Card: Goat Scream
Dove: Calls For Dad
Doritos: When Pigs Fly
Esurance: Sorta Pharmacy
GoDaddy: Working
Jeep: Beautiful Land
Kia Sorento: The Perfect Getaway
Loctite: Positive Feelings
Lexus: Make Some Noise
Mercededes-Bens: Fable
McDonalds: Starting Tomorrow
Microsoft: Empowering Us All
Nationwide Insurance: Make Safe Happen
Mophie: All Powerless
Nationwide Insurance: Invisible Mindy
Britney Spears: Super Bowl Rally
Nissan: With Dad
Priceline Negotiator: I Know a Guy
Reebox: Freak Show
Snickers: The Brady Bunch
Skittles: Settle It
Squarespace: The Cliff
T-Mobile: #KimDataStash
Toyota: How Great Am I
T-Mobile: Data Vulture
Verizon Wireless: It Matters
WeatherTech: America At Work
Wix.com: It’s That Easy
Weight Watchers: Take Back Control
Mountain Dew: Kickstart
Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!